Other Side

I wish you could show your other side
Instead of grays and browns more golden
Istead of swearing to more poetry abide
No longer honks and mocks of olden
Times when the mundane ran the show
Should be overthrown, hence forgotten
Rebirth is needed fast but it’s going slow
We need to remind ourselves so often:
No more errected buildings
With trade charts, rational agents,
Calculus, consumer behaviour
Media and PR outlets
Elected or unelected politicians 
Proxy wars with no end
Culture industry, entertainment! 
You will say it sounds pathetic 
And unreal to the outmost
I will respond with ecstatic 
Cry of the outcast:
Instead of grays and browns more golden!

შეგიძლიათ გააზიაროთ მასალა, თუ მიუთითებთ ავტორს.

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