Unusual Vibe

The best beat of a bass trip
a bat's dream is deep,
a girl likes to Hip hop dance,
a man has loud beatbox bass.
Abstract world is everywhere
Hip hop's loud like the hell
L - I - K - E
The world madness' like DC
If you have a knife
Well, you're short of time
your neighbor is crazy
but Don't be a lazy.
If you have too much money
You have more tempt but kind.
It's yellow sky, mixture sun's light.
It's my vibe, is it uncommon ?
- yeh, it is. You are colorful !
and your vibe is particular, colorful-happiness.
I see a girl from my window side
her smile and  her moon eyes,
she's gorgeous like the sun's vibe
and I heard the melody 
of her vibe-like spring.

Giush Sikharulidze🖋

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